Expanding tanh into more operations
In [1]:
from graphviz import Digraph
def trace(root):
#Builds a set of all nodes and edges in a graph
nodes, edges = set(), set()
def build(v):
if v not in nodes:
for child in v._prev:
edges.add((child, v))
return nodes, edges
def draw_dot(root):
dot = Digraph(format='svg', graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'}) #LR == Left to Right
nodes, edges = trace(root)
for n in nodes:
uid = str(id(n))
#For any value in the graph, create a rectangular ('record') node for it
dot.node(name = uid, label = "{ %s | data %.4f | grad %.4f }" % ( n.label, n.data, n.grad), shape='record')
if n._op:
#If this value is a result of some operation, then create an op node for it
dot.node(name = uid + n._op, label=n._op)
#and connect this node to it
dot.edge(uid + n._op, uid)
for n1, n2 in edges:
#Connect n1 to the node of n2
dot.edge(str(id(n1)), str(id(n2)) + n2._op)
return dot
from graphviz import Digraph
def trace(root):
#Builds a set of all nodes and edges in a graph
nodes, edges = set(), set()
def build(v):
if v not in nodes:
for child in v._prev:
edges.add((child, v))
return nodes, edges
def draw_dot(root):
dot = Digraph(format='svg', graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'}) #LR == Left to Right
nodes, edges = trace(root)
for n in nodes:
uid = str(id(n))
#For any value in the graph, create a rectangular ('record') node for it
dot.node(name = uid, label = "{ %s | data %.4f | grad %.4f }" % ( n.label, n.data, n.grad), shape='record')
if n._op:
#If this value is a result of some operation, then create an op node for it
dot.node(name = uid + n._op, label=n._op)
#and connect this node to it
dot.edge(uid + n._op, uid)
for n1, n2 in edges:
#Connect n1 to the node of n2
dot.edge(str(id(n1)), str(id(n2)) + n2._op)
return dot
In [2]:
import math
import math
In [3]:
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += self.data * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad += 1 - (t**2) * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += self.data * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad += 1 - (t**2) * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
In [8]:
#Inputs x1, x2 of the neuron
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
#Weights w1, w2 of the neuron - The synaptic values
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
#The bias of the neuron
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
#The summation
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
#n is basically the cell body, but without the activation function
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
#Now we pass n to the activation function
o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
#Inputs x1, x2 of the neuron
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
#Weights w1, w2 of the neuron - The synaptic values
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
#The bias of the neuron
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
#The summation
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
#n is basically the cell body, but without the activation function
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
#Now we pass n to the activation function
o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
In [9]:
#o.grad = 1.0
#o.grad = 1.0
Updating the Value object
In [10]:
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad
other.grad += self.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __rmul__(self, other): #other * self
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other): #self/other
return self * other**-1
def __neg__(self):
return self * -1
def __sub__(self, other): #self - other
return self + (-other)
def __pow__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, (int, float)), "only supporting int/float powers for now"
out = Value(self.data ** other, (self, ), f"**{other}")
def backward():
self.grad += (other * (self.data ** (other - 1))) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad += 1 - (t**2) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def exp(self):
x = self.data
out = Value(math.exp(x), (self, ), 'exp') #We merged t and out, into just out
def backward():
self.grad += out.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
other = other if isinstance(other, Value) else Value(other)
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad
other.grad += self.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __rmul__(self, other): #other * self
return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other): #self/other
return self * other**-1
def __neg__(self):
return self * -1
def __sub__(self, other): #self - other
return self + (-other)
def __pow__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, (int, float)), "only supporting int/float powers for now"
out = Value(self.data ** other, (self, ), f"**{other}")
def backward():
self.grad += (other * (self.data ** (other - 1))) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad += 1 - (t**2) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def exp(self):
x = self.data
out = Value(math.exp(x), (self, ), 'exp') #We merged t and out, into just out
def backward():
self.grad += out.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
In [11]:
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
#o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
#Spliting up of the tanh function
e = (2*n).exp()
o = (e - 1) / (e + 1)
o.label = 'o'
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
#o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
#Spliting up of the tanh function
e = (2*n).exp()
o = (e - 1) / (e + 1)
o.label = 'o'
In [13]:
Hence, we have now split the tanh function and the additional operations have also been added!
Plus, we are also getting the same output as before: o and the inputs & weights :)