Handing one node used multiple times
from graphviz import Digraph
def trace(root):
#Builds a set of all nodes and edges in a graph
nodes, edges = set(), set()
def build(v):
if v not in nodes:
for child in v._prev:
edges.add((child, v))
return nodes, edges
def draw_dot(root):
dot = Digraph(format='svg', graph_attr={'rankdir': 'LR'}) #LR == Left to Right
nodes, edges = trace(root)
for n in nodes:
uid = str(id(n))
#For any value in the graph, create a rectangular ('record') node for it
dot.node(name = uid, label = "{ %s | data %.4f | grad %.4f }" % ( n.label, n.data, n.grad), shape='record')
if n._op:
#If this value is a result of some operation, then create an op node for it
dot.node(name = uid + n._op, label=n._op)
#and connect this node to it
dot.edge(uid + n._op, uid)
for n1, n2 in edges:
#Connect n1 to the node of n2
dot.edge(str(id(n1)), str(id(n2)) + n2._op)
return dot
import math
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad = 1.0 * out.grad
other.grad = 1.0 * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad = other.data * out.grad
other.grad = self.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad = 1 - (t**2) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
#Inputs x1, x2 of the neuron
x1 = Value(2.0, label='x1')
x2 = Value(0.0, label='x2')
#Weights w1, w2 of the neuron - The synaptic values
w1 = Value(-3.0, label='w1')
w2 = Value(1.0, label='w2')
#The bias of the neuron
b = Value(6.8813735870195432, label='b')
x1w1 = x1*w1; x1w1.label = 'x1*w1'
x2w2 = x2*w2; x2w2.label = 'x2*w2'
#The summation
x1w1x2w2 = x1w1 + x2w2; x1w1x2w2.label = 'x1*w1 + x2*w2'
#n is basically the cell body, but without the activation function
n = x1w1x2w2 + b; n.label = 'n'
#Now we pass n to the activation function
o = n.tanh(); o.label = 'o'
o.grad = 1.0 #This is the base case, we set this
Now, here we have noticed a bug. Which we can see in these following examples
Example 1
a = Value(3.0, label='a')
b = a + a ; b.label = 'b'
So here, the data value is correct, but the grad value is wrong.
The derivative of b wrt a, in this equation b = a + a, is 2. Because it's 1+1, therefore 2
In the graph the second arrow is right on top of the first one, so we only see one arrow.
So it seems like one value is stored and when another same one comes, the first one gets over-written, and therefore only one of those values is considered.
Example 2
a = Value(-2.0, label='a')
b = Value(3.0, label='b')
d = a * b ; d.label = 'd'
e = a + b ; e.label = 'e'
f = d * e ; f.label = 'f'
Okay so here, the derivative of f wrt a, b have two more cases: through e and d.
So now through e:
a and b grads are -6 respectively
And through d:
a is 3 and b is -2
So if you notice, through e was calculated first and then overwirtten by the calculations through d.
So, the solution is simple. We just need to ensure that the gradient values get accumelated if the same variable is used again.
(Mathematical explaination or proof will be to use the Multivariable case rule of the chain rule.)
So basically we'll add the new value with the prev added one
So, let's update the Value object
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None #Its an empty function by default. This is what will do that gradient calculation at each of the operations.
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad #Adding it on
other.grad += self.data * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1)/(math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
def backward():
self.grad += 1 - (t**2) * out.grad #Adding it on
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
Now lets check those examples again
a = Value(3.0, label='a')
b = a + a ; b.label = 'b'
a = Value(-2.0, label='a')
b = Value(3.0, label='b')
d = a * b ; d.label = 'd'
e = a + b ; e.label = 'e'
f = d * e ; f.label = 'f'
And now we've got the correct gradient values!
So after the values have been deposited the first time, if it is called again, then it deposites it again on top it next.
Example 1:
1 + 1 = 2
Example 2:
a -> -6 + 3 = -3
b -> -6 + (- 2) = -8
Hence, resolving the issue :)